Milano, 25 maggio 2023: “Research Management in European Alliances – Fostering Institutional Transformation”

Eventi Nazionali

L’università Bocconi ospiterà un evento dedicato a “Research Management in European Alliances – Fostering Institutional Transformation” organizzato dalla European University Alliance CIVICA. Sarà un’occasione per uno scambio di esperienze e opportunità di collaborazione con altre European University Alliance nell’ambito del research management e una discussione sul futuro delle università in Europa.

Bocconi University is glad to welcome you to the event “Research Management in European Alliances – Fostering Institutional Transformation” in Milan on May 25th, 2023. With the help of experienced guest speakers from CIVICA and other European University Alliances, we will have the chance share experiences, achievements, and challenges of being part of these dynamic collaborations. Let us delve into the world of research management and explore how these alliances are shaping the future of European institutions.

Agenda: CIVICA Research_May event agenda
